My icon project is using dragon to desgin.....first i sketch in paper....then scan in to computer......after that using the Illustrator to trace.....but haven let teacher appove^^
hard to trace and draw...spend a lot time to try
still have to Edit agian and resize it after teacher appove.......
sketch in paper make in Illustrator sketch in paper make in Illustrator
If can...plese try to use Internet Explorer to open my blog...THANKS because my blog have flash fish.... if not cannot click on the "Navigation Bar" "pls use IE to OPEN MY blog"
A New Year A New Resolution
Yes I've been saying this for a million times, that I will revive my blog
and it always didn't happen...
Deadly Nightshade & Madeleine
Revamped my TA set & here are some completed parts, sadly haven't got some
nice photos of the whole costume, hopefully soon!
"How to DOTA"
Bought leather...
On the Move - CMS
*Module Title: *Content Management for Network and Mobile Media
*Topic/Assignment/Project:* Podcast
*Weighting: *25%
*Submission Deadline:* Tuesday 25th J...
I Don't Wanna Seem So Weak
So I lied. I am too darn lazy to update my blog. But I'll try (I know
you're doubting me right now).
I feel like supergirl. Being able to survive 15+ hours...
2010 report
good and bad things just happened, the experiences that make me grow
and to found out what i really want, i think tatz de important part
so basically the ma...
Transfomers Movie Promo in HBO
This is my 3rd year 2nd term project for Advance Motion Graphics. is it a
group project, so the requirement is choose a movie to promo 30sec, so we
Current Site’s Analysis Goals
- Providing more information to keep customers visiting your websites, and
not losing them.
- Providing more information of The History of Asian Heritage Ro...
Project concept proposal
This project is to improve and revamp the Malaysia Nando’s client site.
Nando's is a restaurant chain originating from South Africa with a
Portuguese theme...
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