Wednesday, May 14, 2008

1st and 2nd day class in Major term 1

Yesterday was my first day class, i choose Multimedia for my major. 
Actually my class started on monday, but class had being cancel, so yesterday was my first day class. Yesterday class was teaching Perspective Studies, lecture is KK (khai koon), lucky is KK teach, i like KK teach, wont feel so stress, because first term he was teaching me Drawing Class, but yesterday the Perspective class feel sleepy, because the air cool is too cold, waaahhh!!! really can sleep in the class, but cannot, if sleep i will miss important information about perspective... yerrrrr tak blh tahan...


yuki_92 said...

wawa~~ so good o~~ hee~~ but cnt slp in class o~~ if nt u will miss this class o~~ n_n